Friday, December 29, 2006

It was all for Him

You must know--surely you must know--it was all for you.

This Christmas Eve my church did their second Christmas Eve play. It was the second play I had penned for Christmas, the third I had written for my church. I don't identify myself as a writer--but of the few things that I hope for, being a writer is one of the top three.

I often don't have a voice, and I spend most of my time having my right to speak be revoked and silenced by endless demands. It doesn't bother me, having grown up in with the fulfillment of the adage "children should be seen and not heard." Therefore, I find my voice in writing, even if no one reads it, let alone hears it. But every once in awhile, I would be asked to share something, and given my anonymity, I am willing to oblige.

There is a wonderful thrill that comes from hearing your words bursting forth into the air. I heard it during the first skit I had written for a church retreat, and I heard it during the first Christmas Eve play. I thought that the novelty would be gone, but when the chorus of angels followed the lead angel onto the stage, loudly proclaiming God's glory, the chills came back. Tears came when Bard (the lead angel) spoke the words I had struggled to string together, and a smile painted my face when the brave actors took the stage and recited their lines faithfully.

Let me have a chance to explain. The feeling I am describing is not pride. This confession is not out of false modesty. The fact of the matter is, this is my attempt to convey the gratitude I have for those who helped work on this play and those before it. Without these heroes, I may never have a gift to offer my God on the day his Son was born. It is because of them, I had something offer that was of some significance. I have so much to share and these people were the ones who had lent their voices. Without them, I would be left with my voice full of silence, a heart full of love, and a head full of words.

To Tommy, Kristin & Bard, The Fredricks family, The Russell Family and many others...thank you.

Until next Christmas!

Currently watching : The West Wing - The Complete Third Season