Thursday, May 24, 2007

Temptation Aisle

I miss Dreyer's ice cream.

Growing up, there was always a carton of Dreyer's in the freezer. The main staples? Cookies and Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, and the fall back French Vanilla.

Sigh...the good old days.

With Memorial Day around the corner, ready to rush in the unofficial beginning of summer vacation, ice cream sales are popping up everywhere. It's a beautiful thing.

Talk about temptation. So, I'm walking down the freezer aisle and this fabulous sale on Dreyer's ice cream calls to me. Sadly, Dreyers ice cream only means death for my throat. (For some odd reason, I have an allergic reaction to Dreyer's ice cream). I stare and drool as I examine the new colors, new experimental was like staring at a freshly opened box of new Crayola crayons. I didn't know ice cream could come in so many combinations...

Silly Dreyers with its innovative marketing department.

I want to try them all...but I can't. And I think that the store would frown upon me opening each carton Dreyers just to smell it.

Supermarket Guy: can't open those.
Me: [too lost in enjoyable euphoria] I'll put them back.
Supermarket Guy: have a little drool.

Not wanting to be banned from the ice cream aisle, I give in and settle for a Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia.

But I must confess, nothing compares to a scoop of Dreyer's Cookies and Cream.

Le sigh.

Currently reading :
Praise Habit: Finding God In Sunsets And Sushi By David A. Crowder

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