Monday, May 26, 2008

Meeting David Copperfield

On a random turn of events, one of which involving my grandfather and his library collection (of which I covet), I picked up the book David Copperfield, by Charles Dickens. (By the way, if I hear another joke about reading a book about the magician of the same name, I will cry. I really will.)

My run-ins with Charles Dickens were always met with frustration and anxiety. He, for the lack of a better term, was a man of many words. Which, I could not blame him entirely because he was paid per word. I would try to put as many words into my manuscript if someone were to offer the same rate. Also, my first encounter with Mr. Dickens was with the massive and albeit confusing Great Expectations. From that book on, I did not expect too much from the great and revered writer. (Sorry, I had to take the pun.)

Back to my book. So, being tired of not finding anything of note to read in this century, and having exhausted most of my endeavors with Jane Austen and not being able to tackle another tale woven by a Russian literary great, I decided to give Charles Dickens a try. Even though I have a feeling this will take me a while to get through this book, I have observed two things:

1. Charles Dickens has a great command of words. Since he was expected to use so many, I was surprised to find that nearly every single word is carefully picked. No one can string together a sentence like Charles Dickens.

2. Anything I had said before about Charles Dickens I take back. In other words, I was wrong.

I know, I know. Don't worry, I won't let it get to my head. :)

Currently reading : David Copperfield (Modern Library Classics) By Charles Dickens


Sara Sandefur said...

How could you not like Great Expectations? The insanity of it? The love story? The sadness and futility of it all?
Oh, I forgot, you took back all the bad stuff about Dickens...
Good luck with Copperfield. I only envy you the time for leisure reading!

Abby said...

Hee! My leisure reading time is cut down to an hour a day (during lunch break). But I'll take it!

At this rate, I'm going to finish David Copperfield right around next June.

That's the goal, at least.