My sister holds this belief that if you tell someone about a dream, it won't come true. Hence, when you have a nightmare, you better tell everyone.
Here's the one I had last night. It better not come true. :-)
Disclaimer: The last thing I watched before going to sleep was Good Eats with Alton Brown. I don't think there is a connection. And if there is...I don't want to know.
So, last night I had this awful dream. I was in some random hotel that I have no memory of, and apparently, I'm trying to leave. A friend of mine comes to tell me that there are evil people out there and I need to protect myself. He hands me a blunt sword and wishes me luck. He tells me that he will meet me at some vague place, but I somehow know he'll take me to safety.
I walk out with this blunt sword in my hand, and wonder what kind of trouble will await me. Someone walks to me. I don't recognize him, but he is ugly and determined to get to me. I suddenly realize he is not a friend, but someone trying to kill me. So, I hack away at him with my blunt sword. He doesn't die right away (did I mention the sword was blunt?) but after more jabs, he falls and dies.
I stand there, blunt sword in my hand, scared of what I had just done, and afraid of what might await me.
Suddenly, they come in droves, the undead walking to capture me in their stale way of living. I run, blunt sword in hand. I get to the courtyard of the hotel and I find another blunt sword. And with a skill I did not know I had, I kill the zombies with the blunt swords.
Finally, I get to the edge of hotel compound, but I realize something is wrong. I didn't know where to go, and my friend was nowhere to be found. I see another friend, who comes up to me and tells me where he is, which is on the opposite side of the hotel. After hearing this good news, she attacks me. I slash at her, but she continues, unfazed by the blunt swords. Somehow, I lose the swords in the long struggle. However, I find a sharper, longer sword, with which I kill her with one swift swing.
With one sharp sword in one hand, and the recovered original blunt sword in the other, I race through the hotel. I get to an auditorium, where some zombies were putting on a very entertaining undead show. I get caught up for a moment, enjoying the festivities. It doesn't take them long to realize there is a breathing being among them, and they attack me. I dispatch a few of them, but I am soon overpowered. Overcome, I scream into the air, demanding that I wake up and that I wake up now.
And when I is 4:30 in the morning. :-) And early morning never looked so good.
Interpretations are welcome.
Currently watching :
Meats, Sweets, and Holiday Treats , Good Eats with Alton Brown