Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When I Grow Up, I Want to be Taller...

The first week of June, I attended a two-day training session for work. The name of the class was "New Employee Orientation."

Yes. You read that right. I started at World Vision on February 2007. A year and four months later, I was going to learn all I needed to know about how World Vision works. So, for two days, I sat in between an employee 10 weeks new and a seasoned veteran who had already logged in 27 years.

Part of our time together was a 2 hour seminar on our sexual harassment prevention. Yup. Twenty minutes of a supremely outdated video that defined sexual harassment, followed by a thorough explanation by one of our legal representatives, followed by a rigorous and uncomfortable Q and A.

Sometimes I can't believe I had studied this for three years. And I have never been more grateful that God stopped me from spending the rest of my professional life handling things like this.

Ever since I made the decision not to go to graduate school to pursue what might have been a successful career as a law professional, the popular question asked other than "when are you going to get married," is a variation on "what do you want to do with your life?"

I still don't have an answer. But of course, I got to thinking about previous answers to this question before I was programmed to respond with "lawyer."

Of course, there's a list.

1. Ballerina (announced at a dinner table at the tender age of 5. Immediately shot down.)
2. Orchestra conductor
3. High school teacher (English, History, anything but math and science)
4. Professional piano player
5. Writer
6. News director (during my Sports Night and Weatherman Chris phase)
7. Speechwriter (during the West Wing phase)
8. Music teacher/choir director

Looking back at this list, I don't think I'm any closer. Perhaps I was not meant to be a professional. But I'm excited to find out what God has in store for me.

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