Friday, June 5, 2009

Five Years

A question that is often on repeat in my mind is "can you see what will happen in five years?"

I hardly ever do.

My grandfather has been hearing this question, too, but in a slightly different context. Tonight, at dinner, my grandfather proudly announced that he had passed his driver's license test. This is quite an achievement, especially when one considers what happened last New Year's Eve. And he mentioned that the person who helped at the DMV was qu
ite amused my grandfather's antics. The DMV employee apparently laughed and lightly mused, "I'd better see you in five years." To which my grandfather replied, "I certainly hope so." The DMV employee smiled and said, "Yes, I will."

It made my grandfather's day.

Sidebar: Someone find the DMV employee who had helped my grandfather and give him a medal.

At any rate, my grandfather has been battling with thoughts of his mortality. Since his bleeding ulcer incident nearly over two years ago, he has been thinking a lot about his legacy, his life, his family...and things I can't mention without crying. But as of late, my grandfather has enc
ountered many conversations with people who say, "I'll see you in five years." His doctor said it. Some random person from social security in the Phlippines said it. And apparently the DMV employee said it.

My grandfather's response to this repeating occ
urence was, "Why is it always five years?"

I had no reply, but laughed at his amusing observation.

It's no secret: I have a special affection for my grandfather. He is very close to my heart, and it pains me to think of life without him. If God were to grant us five more years, I will consider us very blessed.

Five years.

Grandpa, I certainly hope so.


Kristin said...

This is very sweet : )

But they don't look Swedish. . .

Abby said...

Don't let their tans fool you. They spend a LOT of time in the sun.

You know, like I do. :D