Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Something Fun...Really

Ok. I am currently listening to the State of the Union. As much fun as it sounds (really, it isn't) the website featuring this 49 minute long speech has a really cool feature (really!)

Based on the issues address on Tuesday night's speech, there is a meter of relevancy of that issue in the speech. I found the most interesting variances are between the issues of education and oil. I thought it would be a lot different than that.

Check it out. Wahoo! You don't have to listen to the entire speech, but I thought that the issue relevancy issue was interesting.


Oh...and if you do listen to the speech, I'd like to make mention of the beginning when President Bush, in a historic moment, addresses the Speaker of the House.PS--You don't have to applaud when they do. You may look silly.

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