Friday, May 1, 2009

Things I Find in My Car

In my old car, I would find the craziest things.

Most of the time, it would things I had long forgotten: books, papers, files, an extra pair of socks. And for some reason, I had this reputation of finding pairs of shoes in my car.

Yes, my old car was a mobile shoe closet.

Friday, I wished that I still had a mobile shoe closet. My shoe broke and I had to fasten the broken buckle with a paper clip. The picture can be found on Facebook. Sigh.

At any rate, the point of this very random blog is that in my current car, every time I open the car door, I am met with a wall of a sweet scent. I don't own a car freshener, and I am not used to my car smelling like anything other than coffee. (Sigh. Some things don't change.)

I thought nothing of it until today. The scent was overwhelming. It was sweet, and very fruity. I don't opt for fruity smells...but the basis for that crazy opinion shall be saved for another blog. I couldn't find anything until I uncovered a gift bag. In it was a cherry-scented candle that my co-workers had bought for me for my birthday. And due to the hot weather lately, the wax had partially melted, unearthing the sweet smell.

It's not a pair of shoes, but it nearly tops the list of the random things I find in my car.


Sara Sandefur said...

My trunk used to always be a mess of strollers, diaper bags with too small diapers, sheet music and leftovers from various road trips. One day I got a phone call from a friend who had given me a card 6 MONTHS earlier. She was concerned because there was a check that hadn't been cashed... In the spare tire compartment I found the card, and a check for $500 to help with adoption expenses. Now I clean out the car a lot more often!

Bryan said...

I think this is a girl thing. Because Robyn's car is full of crap and so is the girl that works for me. It drives me insane. I won't ride in Robyn's car until she at least throws everything in the trunk.

Abby said...

Sara--That's funny about the money. I haven't found money in my car yet, but I wouldn't put it past me.

Bryan--You're may be a girl thing.