Saturday, October 18, 2008

Singing the Same Song

As I've mentioned before, I get the unique privilege of encountering many random conversations.

I don't plans these conversations (hence the random) and I don't deliberately seek them out (despite what a certain person thinks). And I love these God appointed encounters. In the last couple of weeks, I have been sick of hearing my own song in repeat. To remedy myself from the pity party, I ventured out into the world that seems to constantly reject me and came across a few observations:

1. We're singing the same song. Sure, have our own version of the song. Some sing the verse, or the chorus, or do a long riff on the melody. But the song is the same. It doesn't make it less true, of course, but we all want to be heard. To be known. To be loved. To be appreciated. To be safe. To be comforted. To not hurt. To become something greater than what we are. To not fail. To not fear. To not worry. To be courageous. To be strong. To be beautiful. To be...

2. People have stopped listening. I don't know if its because we're too busy singing our own versions of the same tune, but I am amazed at what a listening ear can do to a person. People have lent me their ears and it turned my life around (please see other conversations.) And I have seen the joy, release, and peace that enters a person's soul when I listen to them. It has been a personal to joy to be a sounding board for someone--especially when they feel that no one hears them.

3. We all have something to offer. My prayer is that we all realize this truth (including myself.) I often wonder what would happen if we stopped thinking about our own struggles and supported someone instead? I am often surprised that when I do, that the very thing I struggle with allowed me to help someone in the same situation. And it is in those times I learn the most. God uses all things...even us. He truly does.

Ok. The metaphor has been milked. Back to my song.

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