Monday, October 6, 2008

Small Victories and Big Wins

Sunday was a good day.

Victory: I got out of bed.

Victory: I didn't avoid someone that I have been avoiding for a few months now. We still can't talk, but at least I'm trying. Maybe someday we'll have a real conversation.

Win: I made dinner last night that I was actually proud of and probably would serve to other people. Yes, I can almost cook.

Win: I went to the Y and realized that I had shaved off fifteen seconds from the mile for the third time in a row. It wasn't a fluke.

Victory (ish): I "stole" the church's keyboard for a few days. Due to poor planning, I dragged the heavy, cumbersome keyboard up a flight of stairs and into my apartment by myself. Don't know how I'm going to get it into my car Thursday morning.

Win: Because I stole the aforementioned keyboard, I got to spend three hours of playing piano and remembering how much I loved playing and how good I used to be. Great conversation with God through music. I am grateful that I can express how much I love God in this way.

I understand that there really isn't a difference between the victories and wins that I had listed. But it doesn't matter. Its been so long since I've actually had more in the column for victoriess and wins than for struggles and losses.

Yes. Sunday was a good day.

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