Friday, August 15, 2008

Process Stories

Does anyone else find it weird that the commentators keep saying "Mr. Almost-Somebody settles for the silver"?

I personally find it annoying. Silver and Bronze are great feats. Sure, they're not Gold, but they're not nothing. And I don't think people settle for second place. For many people, getting second place is just a fancy way of saying they lost, but it is nothing compared to not placing at all.

From "Laszlo Cseh of Hungary picked up his third silver of the games - all of them trailing Phelps. "It's not a shame," Cseh said, "to be beaten by a better one."

Ok. I'm done mincing words. Settling or not, I think it is amzing that any of these athletes are even competing in the Summer Games. To place is an admirable feat. You're going against the best in the world, and you hope that all your sacrifice and determination will manifest itself in an excellent way.

If only we were to do that in our every day lives.

Don't worry, my big sloppy kiss for the Summer Olympics is almost over. Swimming events wrap up on Sunday, and I will be back to work on Monday. But I admire these athletes who pursued their dreams and never settled for less than their best. Anyone who knows me know that I love the journey more than the end results; I like process stories. I love stories of how people found a dream, pursued it and what they had to do to achieve their dreams.

I wish for that kind of passion in my own life. Somewhere along the way--probably somewhere near when I lost my emotions--I lost sight of my dreams and the passion of that pursuit. I got bored with my own process story.

Maybe I'll find it someday, but I just can't keep hoping for the next big thing.

Phelps goes head to head with Ian Crocker in the 100m fly. Its going to be quite the race! And I don't think anyone can say that either of them will be settling for anything.

1 comment:

Sara Sandefur said...

I'm totally with you. CBC does a great job of congratulating US and Canadian athletes regardless of what place they end up. Then I flip to NBC and they're talking about what a heartbreaking finish it must have been. Yuck! On top of that, I'm mad at them for comparing EVERY athlete to Michael Phelps. This morning Meridith Viera teased both female all-around gymnastic champions for not noticing that during their competition, Phelps had earned his 6th gold. And every swimming interview mentions Phelps even if he wasn't in the race at hand. Even Phelps is starting to look harried by all the attention. Lay off, people!