Monday, August 25, 2008


The time had finally come. Reading for pleasure doesn't come as often or stay as long as it had my first year at World Vision.

Finally having challenging projects to fill my workload, I have come to this sad realization that I can no longer finish off a book within two days of picking it up.

Sadly, I can't blame this shameful confession on my work:

I'm giving up on Saturday, by Ian McEwan.

First of all, I don't give up on books. I muddle through them, unless the last name happens to be Hemingway. (Sorry to all the fans.) I had really enjoyed Atonement by the same author, but I just can't get through the first part of Saturday.

Like Atonement, I expected the beginning to be slow. But this was excruciatingly, achingly, making my eyes roll to the back of my head slooooooooooow. At one point, someone was watching me stare off into space for three minutes while my hand rested on the same page. My friend also found it hilarious that I am usually found flipping through books quite rapidly, but this one seemed to be permanently stuck on pause.

It might be worth of note that it was my third try.

Sigh. Maybe someday I'll try again.

I just feel awful to give up on a book. And I guess this blog is my sad way of apologizing. :-)

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