Saturday, July 26, 2008

Come Rain or Come Shine

So, here's the deal.

They say that it never rains on July 27th. I don't know if that's true, but it hasn't rained on that day in my memory...or more accurately, since I started keeping track. And for 10 years, it hasn't rained. For some reason that only makes sense to me, I keep wishing it would rain on this day. God, and certainly not the weather, has anything to prove to me by raining on the It-Never-Rains day, but I made myself a little bet:

If it rained, I would move on because I would know for sure that everything is going to be all right.

Tomorrow will be the 11th year of me keeping track of this insane experiment. And I've come to this conclusion. I have been, for too long now, making my life about one single moment that just happens to be on this It-Never-Rains day. As always, since it takes me forever to get some place, I finally am sick of it. My life isn't the sum a single moment. Sure, a lot of things have changed as a result of it, but my life is about something much bigger and much better than that. That is what I choose to live for come tomorrow.

And the day after that.

And hopefully, more days after that. :-)

I'm gonna love you like nobody's loved you. Come rain or come shine.

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