Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is it November Yet?

I don't know what it is, but this election year isn't quite getting under my political skin. I've been ignoring the polls, I've refrained from reading the daily editorials, I've completely tuned out.

I'm going to chalk it to the fact that this election "year" will be hitting the two year mark come November. Sixteen months of muddling through the primaries and we still have the conventions ahead of us.

Is it November yet?


The recent news blog I read showed me two things. One, the government, as a social construction is losing role in authority. Two, the number of people who no longer believe in the effectiveness of the US government is drastically outnumbering those who still believe it still works.

And don't get me started on those people from either groups who will actually vote.

Like so many others, I am not looking forward to the next three months of mudslinging and petty campaigning. I'll tune out like most of America. So I propose this to all the campaign managers who actually read this blog: take a note from marketing. People only retain information two weeks old. After that, they stop paying attention. My biggest concern is that I hope that people actually tune in come November.

Decisions are made by those who show up.


Sara Sandefur said...

After the long, drawn out battle we survived for the nomination, this part seems stale. Like we've already heard it all. The excitement is gone. I am really at the point where I'd like to just vote and get it over with already. So sad. We should be excited to put an end to the fiasco we've endured for the past 8 years, not tuning out the issues already.

Abby said...

Well said, Sara.