Monday, February 23, 2009

Tripping Over Nothing

Yesterday (Sunday) my church moved into a different movie theater. (Yes, we meet at a movie theater. I love my church!)

The theater space is vastly different than the other movie theater. And so, our Levites (go Levites!) have to construct a stage. I swear that stage is taller than me. But then again, what isn't taller than me? Two year olds are taller than me.

At any rate, on our first Sunday, one of my friends said that they were "placing bets" on two things:

1. Who will fall of the stage first?
2. How long will it take before Abby falls off the stage?

The consensus is three weeks.

I wouldn't bet against them.

Odds are, I'm more likely to trip over a cable than fall off the stage. And then I will look back and see that I had tripped over nothing at all.

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