Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Things I Learned While I was Sick

Finally surrendering to the fact that I was sick, I spent the past two days at home. In between the glorious HOURS (and not a scant 30 minute intervals) of sleep, I realized a couple of things.

1. A diet of Cranberry juice and Emergen-C isn't as bad as it sounds.
2. Long fits of coughing can be a great ab workout. Just don't forget to breathe.
3. Hanging out with my best friend, Natalie, on Tuesday nights still save my life.
4. My blog stories were funnier when I was working at Starbucks. Perhaps I had been hiding too much.
5. "Lost" is easily one of my favorite TV shows, ever. I blame Kristin for converting me...only because she admitted that she has been playing Ben Linus the entire time.
6. Tulips are still my favorite flower. Again, it's the little things that count.
7. I'm not quitting playing piano on the worship team. No matter how frustrated I get, I can't give up something I love.
8. I feel like I keep messing things up. I am very socially awkward, and I wish I knew how to connect with people. I often believe that people freak out once they get to know me.
9. I don't like letting things go. I hate breaking people's hearts and I hate breaking my own. Sometimes we have to break our own hearts in order to save them.
10. I have to believe that something good has to happen soon. It's the only hope I have left.
11. We are always one poor decision away from ruin.
12. After all this time, I'm still Oblivious Girl.
13. The Lost Recap in 8:15 on the Season 4 DVD set cracks me up. "Jack and Kate kiss. Kate freaks out. Kate leaves. Jack is confused." See Spot run.
14. I like doing my dance of joy, but I wonder why I have to keep dancing by myself.

Sigh. Back to work.

1 comment:

Sara Sandefur said...

I'm glad you finally got some sleep and that you're feeling better!

My blog stories were funnier when I had time to write them...

Oops, distracted. Back to studying End of Life Care...