Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Think They're Finally on to Us...

I was at the Y this morning and unfortunately, the only thing on TV other than the innovative flat iron that can shorten the beautifying of a woman's unruly curly hair by minutes, was the analysis of last night's Presidential Debate.

However, because I am me, my eyes did wander to the analysis. Apparently, the analysts had moved on from discussing the issues to a poll they had taken regarding who won in terms of how the candidates presented themselves.

It's the Nixon/Kennedy debate all over again.

So, this particular television newscrew had polled two groups of independent voters. (Yes, I thought that was an odd phrase, too) In keeping with the theme of the debate, there was no clear winner. Predictable.

As I'm listening to Black Eyed Peas ask me "Where is the love?", I read this caption as it glides on the screen: "The biggest surprise was that people are looking for different things than analysts are. They see things differently."

Apparently, analysts are surprised that they are different than us. I'm waiting for them to realize that the average voter doesn't care about spending hours analyzing polling data, predicting voting trends or interpreting spin. We're looking for someone to trust, and political analysts are not on the short list.

Seriously, for me, it's like finding gold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a strong possibility that most political analysts are hiding out here from the planet Zargon (or wherever) and the Men in Black are simply letting them be, as long as they don't get into too much trouble. That's how they can have talking heads that keep growing back.