Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Castle in Denial

I'm moving.

I'm closing up my castle in Denial and moving on. To where? Hopefully a chocolate factory.

The situation that I have eluded to for the past few months has overwhelmed me. I can't handle it any more. I haven't been able to handle it for a long time, but it has to stop.

I was talking to one of my co-workers and she shared with me about a hard decision she had to make. (You are amazing, my friend!) And it dawned on me how I have avoided the decision laid before me.

I didn't believe that God would give me the courage I needed to make the decision. I didn't believe that God would comfort me when I went through the effects of my decision. And I didn't believe that I deserved any more than what I was experiencing these past few months.

This is why I must move out of Denial.

God has so much planned for me, but I can't get anywhere with him if I don't leave this place. And my decision not to make a decision was a choice I made. And a poor one at that.

So here I go. I'm making a choice. And I don't care if it is right or wrong. I'm making a choice to follow God.

And he doesn't dwell in Denial.

You'll never be a better kind if you don't leave the world behind.
--Weezer, "Keep Fishin'"

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