Saturday, March 14, 2009

Be Anxious For Nothing

First of all, I want to say that I love my friends. You are my favorite. :-D

Secondly, here's a somewhat well-known secret: after twenty years of playing piano in front of an audience, I still get stage fright. I never got used to performing in front of people.

The anticipation is the worst. Right before playing, I am a shaking bundle of nervousness. But once the music starts, I forget all my fears and it is just me, the music, and whoever happens to be listening at the time.

However, the anxiety I have been experiencing this past week is different. I am just afraid of playing poorly. I hid behind other people and let them take the lead. I forgot that God, for reasons only He knows, chose me for this position. To say that I can't do this is like daring to say that God made a mistake when he chose me.

1. God doesn't make mistakes.
2. I certainly do.

And I have to remember that it is ok. I may fail as a person who leads worship at 11 AM services. I may fail as a piano player. I may fail in living a creative life. I may fail in general.

I have to trust that God will equip me. I have to trust that God has a purpose for me. I have to trust that God knows what he is doing when he put me here. I have to trust that God is molding me into the person he wants me to be. I have to trust that whether I succeed or fail--whether I believe I am a leader or not--God is going to use me.

But we can't get anywhere if I'm still anxious.

Do not be anxious in anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to the Lord. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
--Paul, Philippians 4:6-7

1 comment:

Amy said...

Wish I could come be a visual support, but I will be praying for you. Don't forget your armor and don't forget to give it back before you even get onstage. I love you and it will be great!!!