Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I finally got some sleep last night.

It is a wonder to me how I could have 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep and wake up groggy and dead to the world. Around 10 PM last night, I lay awake in bed, wishing that I could fall alseep. My mind and body had been so exhausted that at one point (obviously I don't remember when) it just gave up and rested.

Nothing like sleep born from complete exhaustion.

Yesterday was bad, I will admit. By the time work was over, my mind was already threatening to split in half. So when I finally went home, I was pretty certain had gone crazy.

I don't remember falling asleep. However, when my alarm went off this morning, the first thought in my mind (still in once piece) was, "What is going on right now?"

This question, unanswered, was quickly followed by, "What day is it?" and "What am I supposed to be doing now?"

I think it's sad that my body has not only become so unaccustomed to sleeping, but has no idea what to do when it finally awakes.

1 comment:

Sara Sandefur said...

I totally know that feeling. Hopefully you'll find some real rest soon!