Monday, January 5, 2009

Under the Influence

There are times when I forget that I affect other people.

I don't characterize myself as a person of influence, but that doesn't always stop how I influence people. The flip side is also true, people influence me in many ways, whether they (or I) realize it or not.

I had a very odd experience a few days ago and I thought nothing of it until the insomnia hit. I lay awake in bed, and again marveled at my obliviousness. Now that I am aware of it, I have no idea how to interact with these people.

The people we surround ourselves with have great influence over us. They can spur us to do great things and the not-so-great things. And we can do the same for others.

I just hope that I don't take people for granted and don't become blind to those who influence me the most--for good or for ill.

And I pray that I may always be of someone of encouragement.

Be blessing, everyone. It may matter more than you realize.

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